We're on a mission to make our AI stock library the go-to place for top-notch, diverse, and super creative images. You can think of this list as a roadmap to making sure your work shines and hits the quality mark for anyone who's looking.
- Realistic Feel: All images should have the feel of being taken with a camera, even if they're AI-generated. Avoid collages or clipart.


- Limit Surrealism: While surreal AI-generated images are appreciated for their creativity and uniqueness, they should constitute no more than 20% of your total image collection. This ensures photos remain versatile and broadly applicable.
- Limit Image Variations: You shouldn’t upload more than 2 variations of the same image. This way, everyone can find something unique without sifting through too many similar shots.
- Avoid Fake-Looking Humans: Meticulously review details on your images. Specifically, human subjects must have a standard number of fingers (five per hand), and their skin texture should avoid looking unnaturally soft or lacking in detail, to preserve realism.


- Avoid Low-Quality Clipart: Steer clear of overly simplistic, cheesy clipart-style imagery, such as unrealistic characters holding signs or excessive sparkles on holiday messages.




- Avoid Over Exaggerated Poses: Skip the exaggerated, unnatural stock poses. Lummi is all about real, candid vibes – think more editorial, less stocky. This way images feel relatable and authentic.




- No Copyrighted Logos: Avoid any elements that could infringe on copyrights, including specific trademarks and logos.


- No NSFW Content: You can’t submit Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content, including but not limited to explicit nudity, sexual content, drugs, and excessive gore or violence. Avoid spreading harmful stereotypes or offend someone.
- Realistic Proportions: Ensure that human and animal subjects have realistic body proportions, unless a stylized depiction is intentional and clearly indicated as such.
- Upload High Resolution Images: Always upload your images in the largest size possible. If you're using Midjourney, choose either "Upscale (Subtle)" or "Upscale (Creative)" to make your images nice and big. You can also use better upscalers like Magnific.

- Only AI Images: Make sure all your artwork is made with AI. No real-life photos, please.